Thursday 8 November 2012

Bone Cancer - Prevention And Treatment

Author: john daniel
Bone Cancer - Prevention And Treatment
Bone cancer is the growth of malignant cells that gradually replace normal bone cells, leading to weakness and pain in the affected bone. Primary bone cancer, which arises directly in the bone (usually in the leg), is relatively rare and generally strikes people under the age of 20. Much more common is metastatic or secondary bone cancer, which originates in another organ and then spreads to the bone. Cancer may also develop in associated bone structures, including the marrow and the connective tissues. Some types of bone cancer may spread to other organs. With modern therapies, the outlook for many patients (especially those with primary bone cancer) has improved significantly.
For a balance perspective we have to examine first the conventional way and then the alternative bone cancer - prevention and treatment.
First line of prevention is you have to get a routine screenings for breast, colon, and prostate cancer to detect cancer before it has a chance to spread.
The Treatment
  • The bone or bones affected by primary tumors may need to be surgically removed. This may involve amputation, although in some cases only the tumor is removed and the remaining bone is reinforced with metal prosthesis.
  • Underlying causes of bone cancer should be treated.
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be required.
  • Orthopedic surgery may be necessary to repair bone fractures.
  • Bisphonates may be used in metastatic bone disease to decrease pain and improve mobility and quality of life.
  • Enough information has been discussed about conventional bone cancer - prevention and treatment. We will tackle now some alternative ways. Alternative prevention and treatment are increasing and are now gaining prominence and respect in the scientific world. These treatments are not only dealing with the effects but are treating the cause. That's why most of it are all effective if applied properly. All alternative prevention and cure are non invasive and its the highly recommended treatment by almost 15,000 European doctors. Sad to say that this approach is suppressed in the U.S. Alternative bone cancer – prevention and cure as provided by the "one minute cure for all diseases" has gain respect to a lot of people. The claim is so simple to understand; studies unveiled that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2days, the cell will become cancerous. Most people don't know that lack of oxygen is not only the cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant and enough amounts of oxygen, no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment in our bodies.

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Saturday 3 November 2012

Reducing the Risk of Breast Cancer

Author: Shane Fallas

A fatty diet and obesity are associated with increased risks of breast cancer, as well as other types of cancer. What's a good diet? Lots of fruit and vegetables, of course- you've heard of those antioxidants and their importance in preventing the cellular change that results in cancer. Foods like soy and broccoli may actually have a direct protective effect against breast cancer. Proper diet and exercise also go a long way in preventing lots of other deadly diseases. Did you know that heart disease is a bigger killer of women than even breast cancer? A healthy lifestyle can save you from both!

You can't do much about family history of breast cancer, but it is important to be aware of it and take extra precautions if such a history exists. One particularly aggressive breast cancer is known to be inherited. Women develop breast cancer at a young age (before menopause), and ovarian cancers are prevalent in the family history as well. If you have a very strong family history of such cancers, you will want to follow up closely with your doctor and maybe even consider getting tested for the defective genes associated with the cancer.

Fortunately this type of cancer is uncommon. You are at somewhat increased risk for other types of breast cancer (that are not usually so aggressive) if you have a mother or sister who had breast cancer. This is a warning to heed and take proper precautions! Maintain a healthy diet. Check your breasts regularly once a month to be sure no lumps are present. Get annual mammograms starting no later than age 50. It's a good idea to have a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40. Even if you have no family history, it's important to take these actions. Breast cancer affects one in eight women, even those who are considered "low risk."

Another factor to be aware of is that hormone treatment for menopausal symptoms for an extended period of time may increase your risk for breast cancer. If you are taking hormones, be sure you discuss the potential risks and benefits with your doctor, take them only if needed, and at the lowest dose and shortest period of time that you can. It is critical for you to have annual mammograms and do monthly self breast exams. The best cure for breast cancer is preventing it in the first place. The next best course is catching it when it is small and easily treatable.
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