Thursday, 8 November 2012

Bone Cancer - Prevention And Treatment

Author: john daniel
Bone Cancer - Prevention And Treatment
Bone cancer is the growth of malignant cells that gradually replace normal bone cells, leading to weakness and pain in the affected bone. Primary bone cancer, which arises directly in the bone (usually in the leg), is relatively rare and generally strikes people under the age of 20. Much more common is metastatic or secondary bone cancer, which originates in another organ and then spreads to the bone. Cancer may also develop in associated bone structures, including the marrow and the connective tissues. Some types of bone cancer may spread to other organs. With modern therapies, the outlook for many patients (especially those with primary bone cancer) has improved significantly.
For a balance perspective we have to examine first the conventional way and then the alternative bone cancer - prevention and treatment.
First line of prevention is you have to get a routine screenings for breast, colon, and prostate cancer to detect cancer before it has a chance to spread.
The Treatment
  • The bone or bones affected by primary tumors may need to be surgically removed. This may involve amputation, although in some cases only the tumor is removed and the remaining bone is reinforced with metal prosthesis.
  • Underlying causes of bone cancer should be treated.
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be required.
  • Orthopedic surgery may be necessary to repair bone fractures.
  • Bisphonates may be used in metastatic bone disease to decrease pain and improve mobility and quality of life.
  • Enough information has been discussed about conventional bone cancer - prevention and treatment. We will tackle now some alternative ways. Alternative prevention and treatment are increasing and are now gaining prominence and respect in the scientific world. These treatments are not only dealing with the effects but are treating the cause. That's why most of it are all effective if applied properly. All alternative prevention and cure are non invasive and its the highly recommended treatment by almost 15,000 European doctors. Sad to say that this approach is suppressed in the U.S. Alternative bone cancer – prevention and cure as provided by the "one minute cure for all diseases" has gain respect to a lot of people. The claim is so simple to understand; studies unveiled that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2days, the cell will become cancerous. Most people don't know that lack of oxygen is not only the cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant and enough amounts of oxygen, no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment in our bodies.

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Saturday, 3 November 2012

Reducing the Risk of Breast Cancer

Author: Shane Fallas

A fatty diet and obesity are associated with increased risks of breast cancer, as well as other types of cancer. What's a good diet? Lots of fruit and vegetables, of course- you've heard of those antioxidants and their importance in preventing the cellular change that results in cancer. Foods like soy and broccoli may actually have a direct protective effect against breast cancer. Proper diet and exercise also go a long way in preventing lots of other deadly diseases. Did you know that heart disease is a bigger killer of women than even breast cancer? A healthy lifestyle can save you from both!

You can't do much about family history of breast cancer, but it is important to be aware of it and take extra precautions if such a history exists. One particularly aggressive breast cancer is known to be inherited. Women develop breast cancer at a young age (before menopause), and ovarian cancers are prevalent in the family history as well. If you have a very strong family history of such cancers, you will want to follow up closely with your doctor and maybe even consider getting tested for the defective genes associated with the cancer.

Fortunately this type of cancer is uncommon. You are at somewhat increased risk for other types of breast cancer (that are not usually so aggressive) if you have a mother or sister who had breast cancer. This is a warning to heed and take proper precautions! Maintain a healthy diet. Check your breasts regularly once a month to be sure no lumps are present. Get annual mammograms starting no later than age 50. It's a good idea to have a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35 and 40. Even if you have no family history, it's important to take these actions. Breast cancer affects one in eight women, even those who are considered "low risk."

Another factor to be aware of is that hormone treatment for menopausal symptoms for an extended period of time may increase your risk for breast cancer. If you are taking hormones, be sure you discuss the potential risks and benefits with your doctor, take them only if needed, and at the lowest dose and shortest period of time that you can. It is critical for you to have annual mammograms and do monthly self breast exams. The best cure for breast cancer is preventing it in the first place. The next best course is catching it when it is small and easily treatable.
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Monday, 29 October 2012

Mesothelioma - Symptoms & Treatments

Author: Mohd Izahan
The mesothelioma is the thin lining on the surface of the body cavities and the organs that are contained within them. Most mesothelioma begin as one or more nodules that progressively grow to form a solid coating of tumor surrounding the lung, abdominal organs or heart.

Mesothelioma most commonly occurs in the chest cavity and is associated with exposure to asbestos in up to 90% of cases. It has been shown that some asbestos fibers that are inhaled quickly work their way through the lung tissue and into the chest cavity.

There are two major cell types of mesothelioma, Epithelial and Sarcomatoid. Sometimes both of these cell types can be present. The sarcomatoid type is rarer and occurs in only about 15% of cases. It portends a poorer prognosis. In very rare cases, mesothelioma can originate from benign, non-malignant cells. This so-called benign mesothelioma can be cured surgically.

There are four known types of mesothelioma :

1. Pleural Mesothelioma
This type of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the lungs known as the pleura. It is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma with around 70 percent of cases being pleural in origin.

2. Peritoneal Mesothelioma
This form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the abdominal cavity known as the peritoneal membrane.

3. Pericardial Mesothelioma
This form of mesothelioma develops in the lining of the heart known as the pericardium.

4. Testicular Mesothelioma
Testicular mesothelioma develops in the tunica vaginalis of the testicles and is the rarest form of the cancer.

Usually, this mesothelioma involves men over 40 years of age. Others have been exposed to asbestos in a household environment often without knowing it. Asbestos is a naturally-occurring fibrous substance that was widely used in the 20th century in a number of different industries.

Mesothelioma symptoms often resemble less-serious conditions which can make diagnosis difficult. Below is a list of several common symptoms mesothelioma patients may experience.

1. Pleural Symptoms
Shortness of breath, chest pain, persistent cough, fatigue, lumps under the skin on the chest, swelling of the face and arms

2. Peritoneal Symptoms
Weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling, bowel obstruction, nausea, fever

3. Pericardial Symptoms
Heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, night sweats

4. Testicular Symptoms
Painful or painless testicular lumps

Treatment depends on the location of the tumor, how far it has spread, and your age and general health. Whatever the stage of mesothelioma, there are several types of treatments that can be used.

There are three traditional kinds of treatment for patients with malignant mesothelioma.

1. Surgery
Surgery has traditionally referred to the cutting out or reconstruction of physical parts of the body

2. Radiation therapy: The use of high-energy radiation from x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, and other sources to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors

3. Chemotherapy
Application of the beneficial effects of drugs to control or cure diseases or abnormal states in living organisms or tissues

Experimental treatments are also available to patients who participate in a clinical trial, conducted to test up-and-coming procedures and medications.
Article Source:

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Six Cancer Preventing Foods You Should Know About

I don't think that I need to make an argument about how terrible cancer is and how devastating it can be to anybody who has it as well as their friends and families. The fact of the matter remains that since we don't yet have a cure, the best thing we can do is help prevent it whenever possible.

In this article today I want to talk about six different types of cancer preventing foods that you should add to your daily diet in as many different ways as you possibly can. Of course these foods won't guarantee that you not get cancer, but they certainly should help stack the odds in your favor!

The first food is whole grains and these include oats as well as a whole wheat and other grains such as flaxseed, rye, and millet. Eating a lot of these things helps isolate different cancer-causing compounds in your body and also helps to remove them from your body as well by speeding up the digestive process.

The next food is nuts and seeds. These things contain antioxidants and also protease inhibitors which help block the growth of blood vessels that cancerous tumors need to obtain nutrients from your bloodstream. Certain nuts and seeds are better than others so you'll have to do a little bit of research, but virtually all of them are good in some way.

The next type of food are crucifers. These are things like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and also brussel sprouts that are very rich sources of glucosinolates which is a fairly potent anticancer compound. These foods, believe it or not, have actually been linked with reduced risk for lung cancer and also colon cancer.

The next type of food are legumes which include beans, peas, and also lentils. Legumes are fairly rich in fiber and also in saponins which block tumor growth by inhibiting a DNA synthesis. Soybeans are also a very potent legume when it comes to cancer prevention.

The next type of food are fruits which should be fairly obvious because of their massive variety of different vitamins and antioxidants. Citrus fruits are especially helpful for a variety of different reasons and also blackberries and strawberries are known to be especially helpful as well.

The sixth type of food that is a good cancer preventer are tomatoes because of their red color that they get from lycopene which is a photochemical that blocks the formation of carcinogens. Tomatoes are especially good for helping prevent against prostate cancer, certain studies have shown.

So there you have six types of food that should help tremendously in your fight to prevent cancer in its various forms. I'm not saying you have to eat every one of these every day but the more that you can add to your daily diet, the better off you will be in the long run.

Article Source:
About the Author
J.P. Morton runs a site at where he also reviews the best predestal cake plates for your kitchen. He has been an article writer online for well over 10 years and also enjoys rock climbing and white water rafting.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Tips to Prevent Cancer Naturally?

Cancer like other diseases is a preventable disease which requires the body protection through simple lifestyle changes. Cancer is means an abnormal growth of malignant cells which can spread to other organs if left untreated. At early stages it can be removed surgically but at later stages it is impossible to remove it surgically when it is spread in body. Here are given some simple guidelines found helpful to prevent cancer.
Physical Exercise
Role of Physical exercise can not be ruled out in order to keep you healthy and physically fit. Risk of colon and other cancer can be reduced by being active and exercising regularly. Initially you may begin exercise routine and work out for 30 minutes 3 to 5 times a week and then gradually maintain it regularly on daily basis.
Balanced Diet
One of the important health factors is balanced diet which is necessary to main health keeping your body immunized to counter diseases. Unhealthy diet, besides inviting other ailments, increases the risk of cancer too. For cancer prevention intake of fatty foods and red meats should be limited and low-fat alternative foods like chicken, fish or lean meats can be chosen to eat. Moreover fruits, vegetables and whole grains must be included in your diet to increase fiber intake.
Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
Overuse of alcoholic drinks increases risk of oral, liver and breast cancer development. So avoid alcohol totally if possible or limit it to minimal use (not exceeding 2 beverages a day for men and one for women).
Avoid Smoking
Smoking is injurious to health which increases risk of throat, lungs and oral cancer. Quit smoking as early as possible to maintain good health.
Use of Antioxidants
Certain fruits vegetables and supplements contain antioxidants which are helpful in preventing cell damage and reducing the chances of cancer development in body. Berries, fish oils, broccoli and nuts are some good sources of antioxidants.
Skin Protection
Always manage to protect your skin exposed to sun by using sun screen in order to lower the risk of skin cancer.
Regular Medical Checkup
Cancer is not a disease which is developed overnight. Regular medical checkups can help early diagnosing of precancerous cells and tumors well in time. Keeping in view your family medical history, remain conscious about any unusual symptoms and consult your doctor well in time.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer in Males?

It is not strange that men can also suffer from breast cancer just like women. Besides that men have a very small amount of breast tissues as compared to women but they are prone to suffer male breast cancer disease equally. Survival rate of men and women is equal in breast cancer. In cancer prevention struggle the key of success is early detection of disease and reduction of risk factors involved in breast cancer. Here some important tips are given helping in early detection of breast cancer and to prevent the disease.
Healthy and Balanced Diet
Role of healthy and balanced diet can not be ruled out in maintaining good health. Hence it is said you are what you eat. Add some nutrious and healthy food items like fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and meats in your food choices. Risk of male breast cancer can be lowered by eating healthy and nutrious foods.
Physical Fitness Workouts
To keep your body healthy and strong enough to combat all diseases, physical activity is paramount. Cardio workouts and strength training can be included in your daily routine exercise schedule. At least 20 minute physical exercise on regular basis is necessary thrice in a week.
Self Breast Examination
Monthly self breast exam can help find any lump or any abnormal change in your breasts. This exam is just try to feel any lump in breast and its surrounding area up to neck, in your armpit and down just before stomach. Move your finger tips and try to feel by pressing the desired area to feel any lump thoroughly  The lump if found may be cancerous and need to be removed surgically. Don’t waist time any more and call your doctor for complete check up and treatment if required well in time.
Nipple Inspection
While taking daily bath check your nipples for any abnormal change or any liquid oozing from nipples. Any abnormal change in shape or appearance of rash on your nipples could be a symptom of male breast cancer. Presence of such symptoms needs immediate medical check up for early detection of breast cancer.
Talk to Doctor
If you know breast cancer in your family history or you are working at where it is always hot you need to talk with your doctor to know about risk factors of breast cancer and safety precautions you need to take. Ask your doctor to have complete medical check up and ensure hormone levels of your body are normal. You need to get screened for breast cancer annually by your physician after age 50. Although not all lumps are cancerous, but they should be checked out immediately. Only early detection of cancer can make the difference between life and death.
Health Awareness
Besides family history of breast cancer, unhealthy lifestyle is one of the leading cause of this disease  Good Health must not be compromised on any taste and pleasure gained from any unhealthy diet or activity. Revise your lifestyle habits trying to eliminate all unhealthy food and drinks from your choices. Smoking and alcohol drinking is not the healthy way to reduce stress. You may manage your depression and stress through exercising, meditating, praying and practicing yoga. Healthy lifestyle immensely help you prevent male breast cancer and other diseases.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

How To Win Battle Against Cancer

Author: Cancer Hospital India
As per WHO 33women and 25men are likely to get cancer in their life time. Incidence of cancer is increasing with every passing day. Cancer is global problem and has to be tackled globally.Battleagainst cancer can not be won by doctors and scientists alone. The entire community has to be involved. It is possible to prevent 40 – 50cancer by adopting healthy life styles, to detect 10 – 20cancers by self examination and 40 – 50cancers by Annual Cancer Check ups. Cancer is curable, if detected early and treated promptly at good cancer centers.
Steps for Prevention of Cancer
  • Stop smoking (active and passive) and alcohol to prevent lung, head and neck cancers.
  • Avoid high fat and rich foods; eat whole grains, fruits and fresh vegetables to prevent cancer of breast, prostate and colon.
  • Exercise to stay healthy
  • Avoid exposure to – household solvent cleaners, cleaning fluids, and paint thinners, pesticides, fungicides and other chemicals to avoid lung cancer.
  • Avoid multiple sex partners to avoid cancer cervix.
  • Avoid direct sunlight in summers to avoid skin cancers.
  • Get screening tests like the Pap smears, mammograms, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and Digital Rectal Examinations (Dress) for secondary prevention.
Steps for Early Diagnosis
  • Each and every individual should do self examination once a month.
  • Each and every individual visiting his / her doctor for any ailment should be screened for cancer.
  • Annual cancer check up should be done at cancer hospitals.
  • Suspected cancer cases should be investigated urgently to confirm or rule out cancer.
Steps before Starting the Treatment
  • Tissue diagnosis to confirm / rule out cancer by FNAC / Biopsy.
  • Staging work up to confirm stage of the disease.
  • Tumour Board Evaluation to chart out custom made treatment plan for each individual, as per standard treatment guidelines.
  • Choosing NABH Accredited cancer hospitals, offering quality cancer treatment.
Advantages Of Tumour Board Evaluations
  • A panel of cancer experts i.e. Medical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Surgical Oncologists, Gynae Oncologists, Paediatric Oncologists, Onco-pathologists, Radiologists and Imaging experts, get together to review and plan suitable modality or modalities of treatment.
  • Treatment is need driven and not doctor driven.
  • Patients get the choice of surgery or radiotherapy, if the results are same by both modalities.
  • Patients are saved from unnecessary surgeries, if the surgeries cannot be performed.
  • Patients get complete treatment. This prevents recurrence due to incomplete treatment.
  • Chances of cure / improvement in quality of life are much higher because of right and optimum treatment.
  • Patients are saved from Medical shopping and get expert opinion under one roof by spending one consultation fee only.
Modalities Of Cancer Treatment
Cancer is treated by giving external radiation with linear accelerators and internal radiation i.e. brachytherapy. The newer techniques of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy ensures that healthy tissues surrounding the tumour are not exposed to radiation to prevent side effects of radiotherapy. Radiation oncologists and physicists work together as a team to give radiation.
Cancer Surgery
Cancer Surgeries are very complex lasting 2 – 12 hours. A dedicated team of surgical oncologists and Anaesthesiologists, supported by other allied specialists is a must. Surgical oncologists are best suited to decide whether surgeries have to be conservative or radical.
Medical oncologists are trained exclusively to plan and manage chemotherapies and their side effects. Chemotherapies can be Normal and High Dose, including dose–intense and dose–dense; Infusional multiple and single drug; Bolus Chemotherapies; Intra-arterial chemotherapy; Targeted Therapies; Immunotherapy / Biological Therapies; Hormonal Therapies; Neutropenic Care; Nutritional Therapy; Palliative and Terminal Supportive Care; blood transfusion and I/V fluids etc. The radiotherapists and surgeons are not trained to perform chemotherapies.
Article Source:
About the Author
Author on various topics for Cancer, Radiation Oncology, Allied Services, Healthcare, Hospitals and Health Subjects.
For more information you can visit Cancer Hospital India

Friday, 5 October 2012

Awareness about Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast Cancer has become a common disease all over the world which needs to be understood and awareness about the disease for its early detection. Like other diseases it is also preventable but the key of success is “early detection” and proper treatment. Formation of tumors in the breast ducts or glands leads to breast cancer. It is an important to know how breast cancer symptoms can be recognized to get medical treatment well in time. You may consult your health advisor to know that how often you should be checked for breast cancer signs. However some leading symptoms are mentioned below to make feasible early detection of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Any abnormal change in breast size or unnatural formation of lumps, nodes, swelling, inflammation or tenderness of breast are all the symptoms which need immediate attention and proper medical check up in order to make possible early detection. Cancerous lumps formed in breasts are normally painless and or irregular shape but it may be painful and of circular shapes in some cases. Similarly these lumps may be tender and hard or may be soft in touch. In case of any one symptoms mentioned above make an appointment immediately and also keep regular mammogram appointments to prevent breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness
Join a group of people who want to be proactive about generating awareness of breast cancer and remaining healthy. They can help by reminding you to get tested and to perform self breast testing in between regular professional health visits. People of the group can also encourage each other to get healthy diet, engage in physical exercises and also can talk about your fears to bring you out of depressive feelings.

Try to motivate other women for medical check up of breast cancer signs and symptoms. Encourage every woman to get appointments with their health advisors to discuss about the disease and to know latest preventive measures. According to American Cancer Society every woman aged 40 and above should undergo mammogram screening every year.

Be aware about your diet as the body is connected as a whole and that anything you eat to improve your overall health is also beneficial to fight against breast cancer as well. Switch to a diet rich in vegetables and whole grains and start physical exercise regularly to help your body to combat with disease effectively.  Discuss with your health advisor to know more signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Keeping in view your current health state you might be in high risk group you may be advised to get more frequent self-checks.