Thursday, 11 October 2012

How to Prevent Breast Cancer in Males?

It is not strange that men can also suffer from breast cancer just like women. Besides that men have a very small amount of breast tissues as compared to women but they are prone to suffer male breast cancer disease equally. Survival rate of men and women is equal in breast cancer. In cancer prevention struggle the key of success is early detection of disease and reduction of risk factors involved in breast cancer. Here some important tips are given helping in early detection of breast cancer and to prevent the disease.
Healthy and Balanced Diet
Role of healthy and balanced diet can not be ruled out in maintaining good health. Hence it is said you are what you eat. Add some nutrious and healthy food items like fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and meats in your food choices. Risk of male breast cancer can be lowered by eating healthy and nutrious foods.
Physical Fitness Workouts
To keep your body healthy and strong enough to combat all diseases, physical activity is paramount. Cardio workouts and strength training can be included in your daily routine exercise schedule. At least 20 minute physical exercise on regular basis is necessary thrice in a week.
Self Breast Examination
Monthly self breast exam can help find any lump or any abnormal change in your breasts. This exam is just try to feel any lump in breast and its surrounding area up to neck, in your armpit and down just before stomach. Move your finger tips and try to feel by pressing the desired area to feel any lump thoroughly  The lump if found may be cancerous and need to be removed surgically. Don’t waist time any more and call your doctor for complete check up and treatment if required well in time.
Nipple Inspection
While taking daily bath check your nipples for any abnormal change or any liquid oozing from nipples. Any abnormal change in shape or appearance of rash on your nipples could be a symptom of male breast cancer. Presence of such symptoms needs immediate medical check up for early detection of breast cancer.
Talk to Doctor
If you know breast cancer in your family history or you are working at where it is always hot you need to talk with your doctor to know about risk factors of breast cancer and safety precautions you need to take. Ask your doctor to have complete medical check up and ensure hormone levels of your body are normal. You need to get screened for breast cancer annually by your physician after age 50. Although not all lumps are cancerous, but they should be checked out immediately. Only early detection of cancer can make the difference between life and death.
Health Awareness
Besides family history of breast cancer, unhealthy lifestyle is one of the leading cause of this disease  Good Health must not be compromised on any taste and pleasure gained from any unhealthy diet or activity. Revise your lifestyle habits trying to eliminate all unhealthy food and drinks from your choices. Smoking and alcohol drinking is not the healthy way to reduce stress. You may manage your depression and stress through exercising, meditating, praying and practicing yoga. Healthy lifestyle immensely help you prevent male breast cancer and other diseases.

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