Thursday, 25 October 2012

Six Cancer Preventing Foods You Should Know About

I don't think that I need to make an argument about how terrible cancer is and how devastating it can be to anybody who has it as well as their friends and families. The fact of the matter remains that since we don't yet have a cure, the best thing we can do is help prevent it whenever possible.

In this article today I want to talk about six different types of cancer preventing foods that you should add to your daily diet in as many different ways as you possibly can. Of course these foods won't guarantee that you not get cancer, but they certainly should help stack the odds in your favor!

The first food is whole grains and these include oats as well as a whole wheat and other grains such as flaxseed, rye, and millet. Eating a lot of these things helps isolate different cancer-causing compounds in your body and also helps to remove them from your body as well by speeding up the digestive process.

The next food is nuts and seeds. These things contain antioxidants and also protease inhibitors which help block the growth of blood vessels that cancerous tumors need to obtain nutrients from your bloodstream. Certain nuts and seeds are better than others so you'll have to do a little bit of research, but virtually all of them are good in some way.

The next type of food are crucifers. These are things like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and also brussel sprouts that are very rich sources of glucosinolates which is a fairly potent anticancer compound. These foods, believe it or not, have actually been linked with reduced risk for lung cancer and also colon cancer.

The next type of food are legumes which include beans, peas, and also lentils. Legumes are fairly rich in fiber and also in saponins which block tumor growth by inhibiting a DNA synthesis. Soybeans are also a very potent legume when it comes to cancer prevention.

The next type of food are fruits which should be fairly obvious because of their massive variety of different vitamins and antioxidants. Citrus fruits are especially helpful for a variety of different reasons and also blackberries and strawberries are known to be especially helpful as well.

The sixth type of food that is a good cancer preventer are tomatoes because of their red color that they get from lycopene which is a photochemical that blocks the formation of carcinogens. Tomatoes are especially good for helping prevent against prostate cancer, certain studies have shown.

So there you have six types of food that should help tremendously in your fight to prevent cancer in its various forms. I'm not saying you have to eat every one of these every day but the more that you can add to your daily diet, the better off you will be in the long run.

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About the Author
J.P. Morton runs a site at where he also reviews the best predestal cake plates for your kitchen. He has been an article writer online for well over 10 years and also enjoys rock climbing and white water rafting.

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